Tuesday thru Saturday 11AM - 5PM

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Chantilly Lace has been helping women from the community & visitors from all over the city (& country)  find the perfectly-fitted bras for over 25 years. We strongly and passionately believe that bras are not something that should be done online. 

Why shouldn't bras be done online? So many companies are doing it.

They sure are, and we think it's inefficient financially, mentally, & environmentally. So much waste is being generated by purchasing & shipping ill-fitting bras. No clever survey or fit formula can do it as well as experienced fitters with top-notch bras - in person.

But I know my size...

Almost no person is ever just one size. Different bras fit differently. Bands can run loose or tight, as can cups. We know the bras. Let us streamline the process for you - in person.

How do I know if my bras fit me well?

This is the thing. We see a lot of people who think their bras fit them well, but they can actually do a lot better. We’ve seen thousands of women in bras, and this is what we do all day. Side boob, quad boob, falling straps, loose cups, carrying low, smooshed to the sides, popping wires: we can make it all better.  It doesn’t matter if you had it done at Nordstrom, or another place. Do the bras fit you smoothly & seamlessly? That’s all that matters.

I've bought bras from you that I loved and just want the same thing. 

Great! Thank you for sticking with us. Please text us at 847-256-8077 and we'll look at your records & get that order ready for you.

What kinds of bras do you have?

We're the home of the T-Shirt Bra! Seamless is our specialty, whether it be lace, lightly padded, or push up. Disappearing bras are our jam - though some women do best with seamed bras. We’ll figure it out with you! Schedule your appointment HERE.